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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 9(1); 1997 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 1997;9(1): 55-63. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.1997.9.1.55
Environment and Condition of Graduate Medical Education
Chang Yup Kim, Seok Jun Yoon, Han Ju Baek, Jug Gu Lee, Seung Ho Baek, Su Kyung Park, Chul Woung Kim, Ki Hyung Chung, Hong Jun Cho
1Deparment of Health Policy and Management, Seoul National Univerfsity College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
2Deparment of Internal Medicine, Seoul National Univerfsity College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
3Deparment of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
4Deparment of Family Medicine, Ulsan University, Seoul, Korea.
5School of Public Health, Seoul National Univerfsity, Seoul, Korea.
6Deparment of Preventive Medicine, Chonbuk National University, Korea.
Educational evironment and condition strongly influence the quality of graduate medical education. However, in Korea educational environment of in-hospital graduate medical education and training has not been explored in details. To evaluate current situation, we investigated 1,859 graduate trainees(residents) by self-administered questionnaire from May to July in 1996. Major findings of the survey were as follows; 1. Major providers of education were senior trainees(46.7%), compared with other sources of training such as self-study(22.9%) and staff trainers(14.5%). 2. At hospitals with less than or equal to 500 beds, formal educational programs for training were more poorly developed than hospitals with more than 500 beds. Among them, weakness in programs of case conference, staff lecture and training in affiliated hospitals was more remarkable. 3. At small hospitals with less than or equal to 500 beds, satisfaction level of trainees on their training were lower than that of trained at hospitals with more than 500beds. Research, conference, discussion with senior residents, and outpatient care were more dissatisfactory in particular. 4. Significant barriers to ideal training were work overload(57.2%) and shortage of educational programs(19.0%). Most of trainees are not satisfied with environment and condition of their training programs. To improve the quality of graduate medical education which is closely related with health care quality in the near future, general environment of education such as work load and educational programs has to be reoriented.
Keywords: Graduate medical education;Satisfaction;Educational program
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