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The Regulations for Reviews and Publications of the Korean Journal of Medical Education > About > The Regulations for Reviews and Publications of the Korean Journal of Medical Education

Enacted on January 1, 2016
Amended on January 1, 2017
Amended on November 8, 2022

Article 1 (Purpose). The purpose of these Regulations is to define matters regarding the review and publication of manuscripts submitted to the Korean Journal of Medical Education (KJME).

Article 2 (Application). Two or more experts in the field are to appointed as reviewers for all submitted manuscripts (original article, review article, case report, etc.), and publication shall be determined based on the review results of at least two reviewers.

Article 3 (Article submission). All articles must be submitted according to the following clauses.

  1. Articles submitted to the KJME shall be written in English.
  2. All articles must be written according to the Introductions to Authors set by the Editorial Board.
  3. If the submitted articles do not conform with the publication guidelines or the Introductions to Authors as acknowledged by the Editorial Board, the articles may not be accepted for review.

Article 4 (Selection of reviewers). General guidelines for selection of reviewers are;

  1. Reviewers are selected by the action editors (typically, Editor-in-chief or Associate Editor).
  2. Potential reviewer can be nominated by advisory board members in the corresponding fields.
  3. Nominated reviewers should be an expertise at the corresponding area.
  4. Nominated reviews should not be a member of the same organization with the author.
  5. Final decision of selection is the responsibility of Editor-in-chief.
    The list of reviewers selected for each manuscript shall not be disclosed outside the Editorial Board. If the selected reviewers cannot provide the results of the review within 2 weeks, the Editor-in-chief can replace the relevant reviewers. The editorial format required for the review process shall be approved by the Editorial Board, and the process is to be carried out only through the online submission and review management system.

Article 5 (1st review). Submitted articles shall be reviewed within 3 months.

  1. Reviewers shall review the assigned manuscripts and send their review comments to the Editorial Board within 30 days of the appointment. If reviewers do not submit their comments within 30 days, they may be dismissed from review.
  2. Review results are classified into “accept,” “accept with revisions,” “revise and resubmit,” and “reject.”
    • 1) Articles that are decided as “accept” are to be accepted without any changes.
    • 2) Articles that are decided as “accept with revisions” are to be published after the authors revise the matters pointed out by the reviewers and the Editorial Board confirms the revisions.
    • 3) Articles that are decided as “revise and resubmit” are to be reviewed again after the authors revise the matters pointed out by the reviewers.
    • 4) Articles that are decided as “reject” are those relevant to the following clauses, and the Editor-in-chief of the Editorial Board notifies the authors that the submitted articles shall not be published by the journal.
      • If two or more reviewers decide to reject the article in the review process
      • If the author had been requested to revise the article as a result of the review but failed to submit the revised manuscript until 1 month after the request without legitimate reasons acknowledged by the Editor-in-chief of the Editorial Board

Article 6 (Notification of review results). If the review results are collected from the reviewers, the authors are notified within a week, and are allowed to revise the contents of the manuscript or raise objections to the details of the review.

Article 7 (Decision for publication).If two reviewers have conflicting views about whether to accept the manuscript or not, the Editor-in-chief of the Editorial Board may make the final decision. If not, a third reviewer may be designated for reference of his or her opinion.

Article 8 (Editing and publication).The following matters are to be followed with regard to the editing and publication of the journal.

  1. The journal is published online only, with the President as publisher and the Editor-in-chief of the Editorial Board as editor.
  2. The journal is published 4 times a year on March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1.
  3. A maximum of three papers, including collaborative research, with the same author's name can appear in a single issue. However, the number of articles penned by a single author is limited to one.
  4. If the single author submits more than one article and all of them pass the review, only one article will be published per issue according to the order of submission.

Article 9 (Miscellaneous matters). Other matters not clarified in these Regulations are to be handled by the Editor-in-chief of the Editorial Board according to the customs.

Supplementary Provisions

Article 1 (Enforcement date). These Regulations take effect January 1, 2017.
Article 8 (Enforcement date). These Regulations take effect November 8, 2022.

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35 Days

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55 Days

Acceptance rate

31 %

*Last 12 months

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64th percentile
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The Korean Society of Medical Education
(204 Yenji-Dreamvile) 10 Daehak-ro, 1-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03129, Korea
Tel: +82-32-458-2636   Fax: +82-32-458-2529
E-mail : kjme@ksmed.or.kr
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