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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 13(2); 2001 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2001;13(2): 213-220. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2001.13.2.213
Lessons Learned from Optional Elective Course
Young Mee Lee, Duck Sun Ahn, Yeon Hee So
1Department of Medical Education, College of Medicine, Korea University.
2Department of Education, Korea University.
BACKGROUND: The College of Medicine at Korea University has lunched the new curriculum which incorporated optional elective courses in 2000. Optional elective course is consisted of 10 subjects. 8 subjects are conducted in classroom lectures and 2 of them are active experiences in research or community service. The purpose of this study is to identify the level of achievement of its own educational goals and objectives. Also, we tried to explore the possibilities of improving this course for the maximum educational effectiveness.. MATERIAL AND METHOD: We conducted a survey and the subjects of this study were second, and third year medical students who finished this course. RESULTS: 84.8% of respondents were aware of the goals of the course. 91.1% of them agreed this course is needed to enhance the effectiveness in undergraduate medical education. Most students agreed the course provide an opportunity to broaden their perspectives of field of medicine(81.4% of respondents). Also, this course provided good informations for students' future career choice(78.6% of respondents). However, students wanted to have more in-depth learning experience. INTERPRETATION: The implementation of the optional elective course at the Korea University, Medical College was successful. Despite of its initial success, the course has to be revised to allow students to get more in - depth study according their own interests.
Keywords: Elective course;In-depth learning;Undergraduate medical education
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