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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 15(2); 2003 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2003;15(2): 131-139. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2003.15.2.131
학생 인턴제의 임상실습 공통평가 모듈 개발
김용일1, 이영돈1,2, 오재환2, 최인석3, 차 한4, 이의돈5, 함봉진6, 이 근7, 이병국1, 임윤명8, 박귀화1
1가천의과대학교 교육개발연구센터
Development of an Evaluation Baseline Module for Clinical Clerkship: Gachon Medical School Experience
Yong Il Kim1, Young Don Lee1,2, Je Hwan Oh2, In Suck Choi3, Hann Chah4, Eui Don Lee5, Bong Jin Han6, Keun Lee7, Byung Kook Lee1, Yoon Myung Im8, Gwi Hwa Park1
1Center for Educational Development and Research, Gachon Medical School, Korea.
2Department of General Surgery, Gachon Medical School, Korea.
3Department of Internal Medicine, Gachon Medical School, Korea.
4Department of Pediatrics, Gachon Medical School, Korea.
5Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Gachon Medical School, Korea.
6Department of Psychiatry, Gachon Medical School, Korea.
7Department of Emergency Medicine, Gachon Medical School, Korea.
8Department of Rehabilitation, Gachon Medical School, Korea.
Corresponding Author: Yong Il Kim, Tel: 032)460-3801, Fax: 032)930-5093, Email: kimyi@gachon.ac.kr
PURPOSE: The aims of this paper are to develop a student evaluation format as a part of core clinical clerkship (student internship) program at Gachon Medical School, and to identify its impeding factors in implementation. METHODS: Both rating scale of Likert type and check list for student's clerkship assessment were designed; the rating scale format was developed into two parts, namely attendance and the clinical competence demonstrated during the clerkship in which 3 domains of knowledge, skills and attitude were included in balance; the professional competence was made of 9 items, each being designed to accommodate 3 degrees by learner's performance. The clinical instructors in charge were requested to sit a short feedback session on the evaluation results with students who were signed at the end. Nursing staff was also asked to participate in evaluation of the student attitude in a limited area. RESULTS: Despite the full acceptance of the evaluation approach theoretically, its practical implementation was not successful because of difficulties related to adjustment of their department-based scoring system to the comprehensive assessment, or unfamiliarity with face-to-face feedback system. CONCLUSION: The authors assume that this Likert type of the rating scale is a simple, more comprehensive and strong tool to meet the learning objectives, and easy to enhance the feedback effect. It is, however, advised that the formative reporting system is crucial to transform the traditional evaluation approach into the pass/fail format so that unnecessary conversion risk is eliminated.
Keywords: Clinical clerkship;Rating scale;Check list;Evaluation sheet;Student internship;Medical schools
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