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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 17(2); 2005 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2005;17(2): 173-184. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2005.17.2.173
표준화 환자를 이용한 임상수행능력평가시험 (CPX)에서 교수와 표준화 환자의 평가 결과 비교
권복규1, 김나진1, 이순남1, 어은경1, 박혜숙1, 이동현1, 박미혜1, 오지영1, 한재진2, 허정원1, 유경하2
1이화여자대학교 의과대학 의학교육실
2이화여자대학교 의과대학 의학교육실 의학교육실임상수행능력평가를 위한 서울․경기 컨소시엄 위원회
Comparison of the Evaluation Results of Faculty with Those of Standardized Patients in a Clinical Performance Examination Experience
Ivo Kwon1, Najin Kim1, Soon Nam Lee1, Eunkyung Eo1, Hyesook Park1, Dong Hyeon Lee1, Mi Hae Park1, Jee-Young Oh1, Jae Jin Han2, Jung-Won Huh1, Kyung Ha Ryu2
1Office of Medical Education, Ewha Womans University College of Medicine, Korea.
2Office of Medical Education, Ewha Womans University College of Medicine, Seoul. Gyeonggi CPX Consortium, Korea.
Corresponding Author: Kyung Ha Ryu, Tel: 02)2650-2678, Fax: 02)2653-3718, Email: ykh@ewha.ac.kr
PURPOSE: To compare the evaluation results of faculties to those of Standardized Patients (SP) participating in a Clinical Performance Examination (CPX) administered at Ewha Womans University College of Medicine. METHODS: The CPX was taken by 77 fourth year medical students. Cases and checklist were developed by the medical school consortium in capital area. Six cases were used and 24 SPs participated and evaluated the students' performances. The whole session was recorded on videotapes so that 6 medical school faculties could analyze and evaluate the students' performances as well. The results were compared and analyzed by SPSS package. RESULTS: The agreement between the faculties and the SPs was relatively good (r=0.79), but not good enough. In every case, SPs gave higher marks than did the faculties. Clear disease entity cases like "hepatitis" and "anemia" showed better agreement than obscure clinical contexts such as "bad news delivery". Better agreement was seen in the items of physical exam category (r=0.91), but the agreement was very poor in the items of doctor-patient (Dr-Pt) relationship category (r=0.54). The construction of checklist and the character of each evaluation item should influence the differences. CONCLUSION: More detailed guidelines and clear/specific evaluating items are necessary to improve the agreement rate. In certain categories like physical exam and brief history taking, the SP' s evaluation can replace the faculties', but for complex contexts like Dr-Pt relationship.
Keywords: Evaluation;Clinical performance examination;Faculty;Standardized patient
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