내과 임상실습에서 문제바탕학습(Problem-based Learning)을 응용한 항생제 교육 |
박완범1,2, 김홍빈2, 김남중2, 오명돈2, 최강원2, 이윤성1, 신좌섭1 |
1서울대학교 의과대학 의학교육실 2서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실 |
Using Problem-based Learning to Teach Antibiotics use during a Clerkship in Internal Medicine |
Wan Beom Park1,2, Hong Bin Kim2, Nam Joong Kim2, Myoung-don Oh2, Kang Won Choe2, Yoon Sung Lee1, Jwa-Seop Shin1 |
1Office of Medical Education, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 2Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea. |
Corresponding Author:
Jwa-Seop Shin, Tel: 02)740-8175, Fax: 02)740-8072, Email: hismed1@snu.ac.kr |
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to develop a course to teach through problem-based learning the use of antibiotics during an internal medicine clerkship, and to evaluate the responses of students to it.
METHODS: The course was designed to teach third-year medical students how to prescribe antibiotics to be given to real patients. A qualitative evaluation for the modified problem-based learning was performed by tutor's observation and focus group interview, and a quantitative evaluation by questionnaires before and after the course.
RESULTS: Seventy-nine students experienced the modified problem-based learning during the infectious disease section of an internal medicine clerkship. Most students participated actively and gave a positive evaluation expressing a need for problem-based learning on prescribing antibiotics. The course significantly increased the students' self-confidence in both approaching patients and prescribing antibiotics.
CONCLUSION: Modified problem-based learning is a useful educational tool in clinical clerkship. |
Problem-based learning;Task;Clerkship;Antibiotics |