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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 20(2); 2008 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2008;20(2): 109-121. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2008.20.2.109
의학 전문직업성의 기초자질 함양을 위한 교육과정 평가 및 구성
방재범, 이광윤, 이충기, 이동협, 이영환, 김재룡, 강복수
영남대학교 의과대학 의학교육학교실
Evaluation of Curriculums of Medical Schools for Fostering Various Basic Qualities of Medical Professionalism
Jae Beum Bang, Kwang Youn Lee, Choong Ki Lee, Dong Hyup Lee, Young Hwan Lee, Jae Ryong Kim, Pock Soo Kang
Department of Medical Education, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Keongsan, Korea.
Corresponding Author: Pock Soo Kang, Tel: 053)620-4317, Fax: 053)623-8088, Email: medu@med.yu.ac.kr
PURPOSE: Today, the social requirement of medicine emphasizes the importance of medical professionalism. This forces medical educators to introduce new contents and methods into the curriculum. This study aims to offer ideas for developing the curriculum through clarifying priorities on the basic qualities of medical professionalism and evaluating the current curriculums in medical schools in South Korea. METHODS: In April 2005, 46 respondents majoring in basic medical sciences, clinical medicine, and medical humanities/social sciences completed a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 3 categories related to: 1) the basic qualities of medical professionalism/general education courses, 2) the process of developing the qualities of humanities and social sciences in medical education, and 3) the appropriate allocation of credits for each subject to premedical and medical courses. The analysis consisted of frequency, chi-square, and multiple responses using Korean Ed, SPSS 14.0 for Windows. RESULTS: The most important basic quality is basic medical knowledge. The credits for the general education are sufficient but it's contribution is lacking (44.44%). The most lacking element in the general education courses is socio-cultural comprehension (45.65%). The knowledge of humanities and social sciences is very important in developing the basic qualities (56.52%). The important learning experiences related to these is the introspection into human beings (32.16%). Credits for medical humanities classes in premedical and medical course are noticeably insufficient (45.65, 54.35%, respectively). The appropriate program of informal curriculum for fostering the qualities is meeting with various medical specialists (44.44%, 47.83%, respectively). There is almost no difference among the major groups under (p<.05.) CONCLUSION: To assist medical students to be equipped with the basic qualities of medical professionalism, the realm of medical humanities should be made mandatory; and the general education courses need to be reformed, especially in the premedical curriculum. In particular, continuous cooperation between faculties in medicine, liberal arts, and/or social sciences need to exist with the conglomeration of these into fewer medical humanities majors in Korea.
Keywords: Medical professionalism;Basic qualities;General education
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Introduction of curriculum of Jichi Medical School in Japan  1997 May;9(1)
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