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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 33(4); 2021 > Article
Choe: Correction: Preparing for medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic: insightology in medicine
Korean J Med Educ 2021 Sep; 33(3): 163-170
There were errors in the published article, “Preparing for medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic:insightology in medicine [1].” In the References list, two references should be corrected as follows:
8. Kutz M. What is contextual intelligence? In: Kutz M, ed. Contextual Intelligence: How Thinking in 3D Can Help Resolve Complexity, Uncertainty and Ambiguity. Park SC, translators. Seoul, Korea: Hyeonamsa; 2018:21-40.
9. Kutz M. 3D thinking: a different orientation to time. In: Kutz M, ed. Contextual Intelligence: How Thinking in 3D Can Help Resolve Complexity, Uncertainty and Ambiguity. Park SC, translators. Seoul, Korea: Hyeonamsa; 2018:167-184.
On page 167 of the main text, Kurtz [8] should be modified as Kutz [8] and Kurtz [9] as Kutz [9].
In Fig. 1, the citation of reference including the permission of the copyright holder was omitted, so I would like to correct it as follows.

Fig. 1.

Three-Dimensional Thinking Model of Contextual Intelligence

From Kutz M. 3D thinking: a different orientation to time. In: Kutz M, ed. Contextual Intelligence. Park SC, translators. Seoul, Korea: Hyeonamsa; 2018:167-184 [9], with permission from Matthew Kutz. CI: Contextual intelligence.


1. Choe YH. Preparing for medical education after the COVID-19 pandemic: insightology in medicine. Korean J Med Educ 2021;33(3):163-170.
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