정신과학 임상실습 후 의학전문대학원생들과 의과대학생들의 환자중심태도 변화 비교 |
홍봉식1, 김태호1, 서정석1, 김동욱2, 문석우1 |
1건국대학교 의학전문대학원 신경정신과학교실 2건국대학교 의학전문대학원 비뇨기과학교실 |
Comparison of Patient-centeredness Changes between Medical School Graduates and Medical Students after Psychiatric Clerkship |
Bong Sik Hong1, Tae Ho Kim1, Jeong Seok Seo1, Tong Wook Kim2, Seok Woo Moon1 |
1Department of Psychiatry, Konkuk University College of Medicine, Chungju, Korea. 2Department of Urology, Konkuk University College of Medicine, Chungju, Korea. |
Corresponding Author:
Seok Woo Moon, Tel: 043-840-8990, Fax: 043-840-8529, Email: hessem@kku.ac.kr |
Received: November 10, 2008; Accepted: February 23, 2009. |
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to compare patient-centeredness changes between medical school graduates and medical students after a psychiatric clinical clerkship.
METHODS: We focused on 40 medical school graduates. We received permission to use data from a 2006 study on patient-centeredness of 94 medical students. The following was repeated before and after clerkship: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), Meyers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI), Patient-practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS) and Authoritarian Personality (AP) scale.
RESULTS: In the 2006 study on patient-centeredness of medical students, the AP scores were significantly lower than before clerkship and the PPOS scores were significantly higher than before clerkship. AP score changes were related to MBTI, correlated with MMPI subscales, but inversely correlated with PPOS changes. In this study, the change in PPOS scores was not significant after clerkship in case of medical school graduates. AP score changes inversely correlated with PPOS changes, but neither correlated with MMPI subscales or MBTI.
CONCLUSION: Considering previous findings, medical school graduates tend to be more patient-centered than medical students, but medical students can adopt a more patient-centered attitude than graduates through a psychiatric clinical clerkship. |
Patient-centered care;Physician-patient relations;Authoritarianism;MMPI;Personality Inventory |