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Korean J Med Educ > Volume 19(4); 2007 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical Education 2007;19(4): 295-304. doi: https://doi.org/10.3946/kjme.2007.19.4.295
건강-보건-의료 관련 전공자를 위한 기초의학 통합강의의 적용
김지희1, 문태영1, 이영미1, 박경한2, 김대중2, 한장희2, 김찬웅3, 박정현2
1강원대학교 한방보건복지학부 응급구조학과
2강원대학교 의과대학 해부학교실
3중앙대학교 용산병원 응급의학과학교실
Application of Integrative Lecturing to Basic Medicine Courses for Undergraduate Health Allied Sciences Students
Jee Hee Kim1, Tae Young Moon1, Young Mee Lee1, Kyoung-Han Park2, Dae Joong Kim2, Jang Hee Hahn2, Chan Woong Kim3, Jeong Hyun Park2
1Department of Emergency Medical Technology, College of Oriental Cure, Public Health & Welfare, Samchok, Korea.
2Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea.
3Department of Emergency Medicine, Yong San Hospital, Chung Ang University, Seoul, Korea.
Corresponding Author: Jeong Hyun Park, Tel: 033)250-8814, Fax: 033)255-8809, Email: jhpark@kangwon.ac.kr
PURPOSE: In spite of the rapidly expanding importance of the basic sciences, the number of professors teaching basic sciences in medicine has not changed in the last decade. Thus, the need for new methods of teaching and learning has increased. The purpose of this study was to develop and assess integrative lecturing in the basic sciences for undergraduate allied health sciences students. METHODS: We developed an alternate form of lecturing in anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and pathology, focusing on the gastrointestinal system. We tested several teaching strategies including E-learning, face-to-face, and practice. Students majoring in nursing (n=43), sports science (n=26), and emergency medical technology (n=35) participated and were asked to complete an anonymous survey. RESULTS: The majority of the students were satisfied with the new lecture style (86.6%). They preferred integrative lectures to traditional lectures. The degree of satisfaction with E-learning and practice were much higher than with face-to-face. Most of the students identified the knowledge of interdisciplinary relationship and participating in cadaveric dissections as the important effects of this lecture style. CONCLUSION: From this study, it can be suggested that integrative lecturing in basic sciences for public health- / medicine- related courses is effective in teaching and learning. Further studies for the development of integrative contents and system are needed.
Keywords: Basic Medicine;Integrative Lectures;E-learning;Face-to-face Lectures;Survey
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